Articles corresponding to the topics of the conference, not less than 5 pages in length, made both individually and by a group of authors, will be accepted for participation in the conference. The conference language is English. Articles should be executed in the text editor MSWord 2003-2016 and edited to the following parameters:
-orientation of the sheet -book,
-A4 format (210×297 mm),
-margins of 2 cm on the perimeter of the page,
-Fonts in Times New Roman,
-Font size for the whole paper except for the tables is 14 pt,
-font size for the tables is 12pts,
font size for tables – 12 pt, -line spacing – 1.5,
-alignment to page width,
-indent-1cm (without using the “Tab” or “Space” keys).

Not allowed:
-Page numbering;
-use of page breaks in the text;
-Use of automatic page links;
-use of automatic hyphenation; -use of sparse or condensed spacing.